The automated welding system is designed to provide better productivity and durability for regular operations. Automated welding system fulfills various demands for higher quality and lower costs, required in-depth and detailed production. It provides real-time information that allows personnel to streamline the production procedure.
Professional offshore welding services offer quality assistance to carry-out the entire work effectively. These services have developed automated welding technologies in order to provide enhance welding quality and reduce manufacturing costs. These offshore welding services provide advanced and improved single torch welding system that comes with numerous features including energy-efficiency, anti-corrosive, easy-to-use, etc., for delivering top-notch results. This automated welding system can be used in field operations such as manufacturing and construction. Here are some of the major advantages of single torch welding system:
• It comes with advanced technology, easy-to-handle, small size, light weight, energy-efficient and environment friendly features.
• With modular design, machine safety and reliability, low failure rate, it requires almost “zero” labor or workers for operation.
• Single torch welding machine is anti-corrosive, waterproof, moisture and dust resistant can be used in field operations such as high-rise building construction, tunnels, etc.
• It comes with user-friendly welding current regulator, displays the welding time, parameters and input voltage, convenient and practical.
• It is fan-dormant, energy-saving and reduces dust providing 3-times better life.
• Welding controls are available in manual and automatic catering to various applications. In addition, welding parameters have been set up in panels in equipment.
• It requires reasonable output voltage, so that the use of welding torch can be extended. Single torch welding system can withstand high load and voltage.
• It comes with high-strength steel plate and corrosion resistant chassis.